What should you not do while vaping?

Vaping is becoming increasingly popular as an alternative to smoking, but there are some things you should avoid when vaping e-liquid. Here are nine things to avoid when vaping e-liquid from an unknown source.

1. Don’t take a dry hit. A dry hit is when you take a puff of your vape without any e-liquid in it. This can cause a burning sensation in your throat and can even damage your device.

2. Avoid a flavour ghost. This is when you switch flavours without cleaning your device and the old flavour lingers in the background. This can be avoided by cleaning your device thoroughly between flavours.

3. Don’t shame newbies. Vaping is still relatively new and many people are just starting out. Don’t be judgemental of people who are new to vaping.

4. Don’t overdo the nicotine. Too much nicotine can cause nausea and headaches. Start with a low nicotine strength and increase it gradually if needed.

5. Avoid vaper’s tongue. This is when you lose your sense of taste when vaping. It can be caused by vaping the same flavour for too long, dehydration, or smoking cigarettes.

6. Don’t expect the wrong experience. Vaping is not the same as smoking, so don’t expect it to be. It takes some time to get used to vaping and to find the right device and e-liquid for you.

7. Avoid dehydration. Vaping can cause dehydration, so make sure to drink plenty of water when vaping.

8. Don’t overcharge your device. Overcharging your device can cause it to overheat and can damage the battery.

9. Don’t forget to clean your device. Cleaning your device regularly will help keep it in good condition and will help you get the best vaping experience.

Following these tips will help you have a safe and enjoyable vaping experience. Make sure to always buy e-liquid from a reputable source and to follow the instructions on your device.