Is it rude to vape around people?

Is it Rude to Vape Around People?

Vaping has become increasingly popular in recent years, with many people turning to vaping as an alternative to smoking cigarettes. However, while vaping may be a healthier alternative to smoking, it can still be considered rude to vape around people.

Vaping involves the use of an electronic device to heat a liquid, usually containing nicotine, and produce a vapour. Some people find the vapour unpleasant or may be sensitive to it, so it is important to be considerate when vaping around others.

It is generally accepted that vapers should respect the requests of individuals and businesses not to vape, and also avoid vaping in parks or on public transport. Vaping in these places can be particularly disruptive, as it can be difficult to avoid the vapour.

It is also important to remember that vaping can be a distraction to others. Vaping can be disruptive in places such as restaurants, theatres, and other places where people are trying to enjoy a quiet atmosphere.

In general, it is courteous to avoid vaping around people who may find it unpleasant or distracting. If you are impacting on someone else’s air, it is best to not vape around them.

Vaping can be a great alternative to smoking, but it is important to be considerate of others when vaping. Respect the requests of individuals and businesses not to vape, and avoid vaping in places where it may be disruptive. By following these simple rules, you can ensure that you are not being rude when vaping around people.