What to do if your friends are vaping?

What to do if Your Friends are Vaping

If you have friends who are vaping, you may be wondering what you can do to help them quit. Fortunately, there are several things you can do to help your friends quit vaping and get back on track.

First, it’s important to start by asking them how they are doing. Showing that you care and are there for them can make a big difference. Let them know that you are concerned and want to help them.

Next, try to be positive. Remind them of all the positive aspects of quitting vaping. Talk about the health benefits, the money they will save, and the sense of accomplishment they will feel when they quit.

Another way to help your friends quit vaping is to go to smoke-free places. Going to places that don’t allow vaping can help your friends stay away from the temptation to vape.

Doing active things together can also be a great way to help your friends quit vaping. Going for a walk, playing a sport, or doing something else active can help your friends stay away from vaping.

Remind your friends why they are quitting. Remind them of their goals and why they want to quit. This can help them stay motivated and on track.

Finally, you can take your friends to a vape store. Seeing all the vaping products and hearing from the store employees about the risks of vaping can be a powerful reminder of why they are quitting.

By following these tips, you can help your friends quit vaping and get back on track. A little can do a lot, so don’t hesitate to reach out and help your friends quit vaping.